Referral information for Clients

Whether you are taking your first steps towards formally seeking assistance for your mental health and well-being, or simply looking for a new connection in your journey, Bloom Health Clinic is the ideal place to start.

Anyone can make an appointment with us by simply getting in touch.

You do not need a referral to become a client at Bloom Health Clinic. There is no limit to the number of sessions you may have as a private client, however, as a private client Medicare rebates are not available (your private health fund may offer rebates for Psychological Services under ‘Extras’).

Should you wish to claim rebates, a  referral to Bloom Health Clinic will be required. There are a number of pathways available to refer to Bloom Health Clinic, we have listed some general information about these pathways below you’re your convenience.

  • The most common form of referral to our practice is the Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) also known as a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). This plan allows you to obtain Medicare rebate for 10 psychological sessions and 10 group sessions in a calendar year via the Better Access Initiative.

    The MHTP is completed by your GP if, following a consultation with you, they assess you as eligible for Medicare Rebates under this plan.

    Learn more about accessing a MHTP here.

    Learn more about the rebate amounts available through a MHTP here.

  • The Chronic Disease Management (CDM) referral is a referral option for people who experience a chronic medical condition or complex medical care needs for a minimum of 6 months. It provides Medicare rebate for 5 sessions with an allied health professional. Please check the eligibility criteria with your GP.

    These sessions can be accessed over and above those provided in a MHTP.

    Learn more about the rebate amounts available through a CDM here.

  • The Eating Disorder Treatment Pathway offers people an option to be referred under an Eating Disorder Care Plan (EDP) for a total of 40 sessions per calendar year. This type of referral is offered to people who have an eating disorder, who meet specific criteria, and who wish to engage in psychological treatment to directly target the eating disorder. The psychologist also needs to provide specific evidence-based treatment approaches based on criteria for this referral pathway.

    Please speak with your psychologist to check if they can accept this type of referral and then visit your GP to check if you are eligible.

    Learn more about the rebate amounts available through a EDP here.

  • The Non-directive Pregnancy Support Counselling (NDPS) referral is a referral option to assist clients who have any personal concerns related to a current or recent pregnancy (within the past 12 months), whether it has been full-term or part-term (including a planned termination).

    A pregnancy support counselling referral provides rebates for up to three 30 minute sessions with a psychologist per pregnancy.

    These sessions can be accessed over and above those provided in a MHTP.

    Learn more about the rebate amounts available through a NDPS here.

  • Your GP may refer you under the Better Outcomes in Mental Health Initiative (ATAPS). Although this referral is very similar to the MHTP, it is subsidised by the Greater Metro South Brisbane Medicare Local, and hence there is no cost to you.

    Your GP will assess the availability and your eligibility for this referral. This Better Outcomes referral has specific eligibility criteria which must be met for referral and there is a set time frame in which the sessions must be utilised

    Note: Clients cannot be referred for treatment through the Better Access initiative and ATAPS in the same calendar year.

  • Under the Better Start for Children with Disability (Better Start) initiative the identified disabilities are: Cerebral Palsy; Down Syndrome; Fragile X Syndrome and; Moderate or greater vision or hearing impairments. Children who are aged under six years and have been diagnosed with one of the listed disabilities are able to register to access early intervention funding of up to $12,000 (up to a maximum of $6,000 per financial year).

    The child must obtain this referral by their 7th birthday from an eligible Paediatrician or Psychiatrist. This referral entitles the child to 4 assessment sessions and 20 therapy sessions with Medicare rebates (per lifetime, up to age 15 years).

    The funding can be used to pay for early intervention services such as psychology, speech pathology, audiology, occupational therapy, orthopedics, and physiotherapy

    To register your child for the Better Start initiative, please call the Carers Australia Registration Information Service on 1800 242 636.

  • A specialist referral is also available for children with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD), known as the Helping Children with Autism (HCWA) referral.

    The Medicare items available through the Helping Children with Autism program are early intervention services for children undergoing diagnosis/assessment or treatment for autism or any other PDD.

    The child must obtain this referral by their 13th birthday from an eligible Paediatrician or Psychiatrist. This referral entitles the child to 4 assessment sessions and 20 therapy sessions with Medicare rebates (per lifetime, up to age 15 years). The sessions may be utilised with a Psychologist and Speech Pathologist.

    Children can access the autism Medicare services providing they have not already accessed services under the Better Start for Children with a Disability initiative and providing they meet the requirements of each service.

    Note: HCWA is closing to new clients as the National Disability Insurance Scheme is rolled out around Australia. Once the NDIS is operating in your area, you should be eligible to receive funding for early intervention through the NDIS. In the meantime, HCWA will continue operating in areas where the NDIS is not yet running.

  • Individuals who suffer from a disability resulting from a mental health condition may qualify for the NDIS. For more information on NDIS funding and assistance please visit or contact the NDIS at Ph: 1800 800 110.

    Please note however that Bloom Health Clinic does not currently accept NDIS clients.

  • In Queensland, WorkCover may refer you to a Psychologist once your claim has been approved. These sessions are time-limited and the number of sessions is determined by WorkCover after assessing your claim. Successful claims will result in the cost of your sessions being covered by WorkCover. Please consult with your workers compensation insurer or employer for more information.

If you are unsure as to which referral is most suited to you, please contact the clinic and we can assist you with understanding and obtaining the most suitable referral.

Alternatively please view our FAQ’s here for more information regarding rebates and referrals.

Let’s chat.